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dataroomHQ Features

Automated Metric Reporting 

Automate your operational metric reporting 100x faster than ever before. Save hundreds of hours spent managing spreadsheets. Ensure accurate reporting for your most critical operational metrics and easily get the central source of truth to align all stakeholders.

Answer board and investor inquiries instantly.

Cohort Analysis

Instantly automate all of your cohort analysis the exact way investors look at your business.  Understand your unit economics the way investors do by automating unit economics analysis, LTV, CAC, etc. Determine if you have product market fit.

Experiment in Sales and Marketing and see what works and does not.

Experiment with product features to see if that improves retention.

Analysis of Operational Metrics

Let AI surface patterns in your operational metrics so that data-backed decisions can be made faster. See how each customer variable is impacting the entire business.  Enable your company to know who your best customers are with the highest LTV so you can acquire more of them.


Generate forecast and headcount planning right next to your historical metrics. Proactively model multiple expense and revenue plans to be prepared for every future scenario.

Create plans in minutes.


Compare multiple plans and see how each lever impacts the output.


Board  Decks

Automate all board, investor and stakeholder presentations with one click. Focus on the numbers and the strategy, not the deck itself.

AI-driven Blueprints

Compare your metrics to the market.


Using AI, get an estimate of what your company should be worth. 


Gauge how you stack up to similar companies in the market and see how your business is performing against industry standards.

Investor Sarah Barek of Oceans Ventures

"dataroomHQ is a surefire way to achieve operational excellence by having a central source of truth to tell you the 'what' combined with predictive analytics to tell you the 'why'.  It is the investor approved way to measure and analyze your business."

Sara Barek
Managing Partner & Founding Team Member at Oceans Ventures

Who uses dataroomHQ

Anchor 1

Instant access to the metrics and analysis you need to efficiently run the business.

Fundraising and investor

Automate metrics reports and analysis. Prepare easier for investor meetings with instant insights to why your metrics look the way they do. Share cohort analysis and compare plans for the future based on AI-powered analytics.

Empowering your team to make smart decisions.

Give your revenue leaders insight into the best performing customer segments. Help customer success spot trends in revenue churn. Arm marketing with data to support which industries to promote customer trials. And more!

Drive efficient growth with blueprints for how to optimize your metrics using AI.

Easily spot ‘leaky buckets’ across the business and share the information to adjust course. Use financial metrics as strategic assets beyond quarterly reports.

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